Lunar Solar Power

I was watching a documentary on TV about the moon and I was impressed with the plans or project drafs they have for the moon.

One of the things that caught my eye was Lunar Solar Power. This is not anything new, but I just became aware of it.

Everyone knows that the consumption of electrical power is on the rise and unless we find a viable alternative solution to fossil fuels, we will ultimately run out of it.

The solution presented was Lunar Solar Power. Why? Because the moon has excellent conditions for Solar Power. The idea would be to install Solar panels on the moon, and transmit the collected power to earth through microwaves to receivers at sites located worldwide. Each receiver would supply commercial power to a given region. Such a receiver, called a rectenna, would consist of a large field of small rectifying antennas. Unlike sunlight, microwaves pass through rain, clouds, dust, and smoke. Power can be supplied to the rectenna at night Several thousand individual rectennas strategically located around the globe.

To enrich your knowledge about this you can start reading the following paper:
Lunar Solar Power Generation

Daylight Saving Time

Yesterday, I got the MacOSX updates for the Daylight Saving Time’s change in the US.

Million of computers will be updated because in accordance with the Energy Policy Act of 2005, Daylight Saving Time has been expanded by three weeks this year. Beginning in 2007, the United States will observe Daylight Saving Time from the second Sunday in March (March 11) until the first Sunday in November (November 4). This represents a shift from ordinary Daylight Saving Time observance in the northern Hemisphere, with the period beginning two weeks earlier and ending one week later.

Why Is Daylight Saving Time Changing?

In an attempt to reduce energy consumption, the US Congress, in section 110 of the “Energy Policy Act of 2005” announced plans to move the start and ending dates of Daylight Saving Time on the grounds that it allows more effective use of natural sunlight, diminishing the need for electric lighting during the “waking day.” All of Canada (except the regions that do not follow daylight saving) will also observe the new period to avoid possible economic losses from confusion with the United States. Bermuda has announced a similar plan. Studies will determine if this change remains permanent.

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SONAECOM sobe preço da OPA para 10.5EUR

A Sonaecom decidiu há minutos subir a oferta para 10.5EUR.

Eu tinha uma teoria sobre esta OPA. A minha teoria era que o Belmiro queria separar o cobre do cabo, coisa que conseguiu durante a OPA, quando o CA da PT veio a público anunciar o spinoff da PTMultimédia, quer a OPA vingasse quer não. Sempre pensei que que a Sonae não subisse a parada e que quisesse deixar a OPA morrer, visto que já tinha conseguido o que queria. Era óbvio que os 9.5EUR não iam convencer ninguém, além de que, muitos dos accionistas minoritários de peso iniciaram ou reforçaram a sua posição na PT depois do anúncio da OPA (ou seja >9.5EUR).

Hoje as coisas mudaram. Ouvi à pouco o Henrique Granadeiro no jornal da 2 e o discurso dele já foi bem diferente do costume. Eu também já não faço a menor ideia como esta história vai acabar. O que há uns meses dava como certo agora já não dou, embora ainda tenha algumas dúvidas que vingue. A única coisa que sei é que se a OPA vingar não será certamente bom para o país nem para o consumidor.

Phishing detection system

I was reading a paper about an engine to detect phishing Web Sites – CANTINA – developed by Carnegie Mellon University and University of Pittsburgh. I guess they came up with an interesting idea:

Roughly, CANTINA works as follows:
• Given a web page, calculate the TF-IDF scores of each term
on that web page.
• Generate a lexical signature by taking the five terms with
highest TF-IDF weights.
• Feed this lexical signature to a search engine, which in our
case is Google.
• If the domain name of the current web page matches the
domain name of the N top search results, we consider it to be
a legitimate web site. Otherwise, we consider it a phishing
site. (We varied the value of N, as described in the evaluation,
to balance false positives with false negatives; however, we
found that going beyond the top 30 results had little practical

They say the effectiviness of this engine is 95%. I guess they’re presenting this paper at www2007.

Now you ask: What the hell is TF-IDF?
The term frequency (TF) is simply the number of times a given
term appears in a specific document. The term IDF (inverse d ocument frequency) measures how common a term is across an entire collection of documents.


I guess ClamAV folks released the long awaited ClamAV 0.90.

This version introduces lots of new interesting features and marks a big step forward in the development of our antivirus engine.


As part of the Google Summer of Code program, we have introduced support for a new phishing signatures format that has proved very effective in detecting phishing emails. The ClamAV phishing module allows better and more generic detection of phishing emails by searching for URLs in email messages, and comparing the real site with the URL displayed to the user in the message.


On the performance side, support for the MULTISCAN command has been implemented in clamd, allowing to scan multiple files simultaneously.

PS: I know someone that will not go to sleep before upgrade to this version somewhere… 🙂

Bush’s budget calls for big increases in military spending

In the US, the proposed budget for the next civil year for the Defense Department has a 11% increase over what Congress provided for this fiscal year and a 62% increase over 2001.

From NY Times:

The proposed basic budget for the Defense Department is $481.1 billion, a 62 percent increase over 2001, Mr. Bush’s first year as president, and an increase of $49 billion But the figure does not include more than $93 billion in supplemental money in this fiscal year and about $145 billion in the next fiscal year for the Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns.

At the same time, Bush announced several cutbacks for social programs, like health and education. Well done Mr. Bush!!
Is is also interesting to note that the US is responsible for 58% of the total of World’s Military expenditures.

Lei anti-tabaco entra em vigor hoje na França

A lei que proíbe o tabaco em locais publicos, entre os quais escolas e centros comerciais, entra hoje em vigor na frança. Os restaurantes/bares/discotecas beneficiam de um período de adaptação até ao final do ano.

Nós aqui no burgo continuamos na mesma e na minha opinião este é um dos pontos negativos do nosso governo. Não é ponto negativo tanto pelo facto de não termos a lei, é um ponto negativo pelo facto de o governo ter feito tanto alarido no ano passado sobre este tema e no fim deu o dito por não dito e voltou com uma desculpa no minimo lamentável.

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