Comments on: Lunar Solar Power Snippets and Bits... Sat, 16 Jul 2011 13:22:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: helmac Mon, 16 Apr 2007 19:14:05 +0000 This is all great stuff but what are the political implications? For instance we can’t get a political consensus on global warming, sharing of wealth, feeding the hungry, banishing wars etc, what chance of a consensus on this! Who provides the capital? The paymaster will want to be first in line for the benefits, the poorer countries will be last in line, if at all. If America pays, her allies will be looked after but States not in favour will not. (the same rules would also apply if some other country(s) provided the capital). For this to work we would need to make a lot of progress in world harmony.

By: nuno Wed, 21 Feb 2007 23:54:51 +0000 I agree with you Bart, but the thing about Lunar Solar Power is that it wouldn’t depend on the weather, you can get much more sunlight there.

The cost for hosting electricity in batteries is very high and with consecutive rainy days you have no solar power.

What I heard is that the cost for starting something like this is the same as the budget that the US spends on defense in one year, and the area needed for the antennas on earth is less that the area used to produce electricity from coal.

By: Bart Wed, 21 Feb 2007 16:37:47 +0000 I love solar power I think over the next few years it’s going to be exploding even more… as performance of solar panels goes up people are going to be adopting it everywhere they can… after all it’s free energy 🙂 BTW here is more solar power information -> Solar Power
