Stop smoking and save!

I found the following advertisement in my Bank‘s Investment Magazine.
Basically, what it says is that if you stop smoking and save the money, in 10 years you can buy a motorcycle, in 20 years a car, and in 30 years a boat.

You would save 2.9EUR/day and invest the money. They use an annual interest of 7.25%. The reference price for the bike is 15k EUR, for the car 47k EUR and for the boat 112k EUR.

Stop smoking and start saving… 🙂

Green Energy

The ambitious project by the Portuguese government that aims to increase electricity generated from renewable sources to 45 percent by 2010 is not new news. However, what is new is that this is not just political bullshit, a lot of private investment has gone into it as well.

Today, the World’s largest Solar Power Plant opened in Portugal and it is expected to produce 20 gigawatt-hours per hour.

It was also announced today that EDP, the country’s biggest electricity utility, agreed to buy Horizon Wind Energy LLC of Texas from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. for $2.15 billion, becoming the world’s fourth largest wind-power producer.

Wine Tasting (II)

Last night, some friends and I tried some red wines.

This time, we tried the following red wines:

  • Quinta Vale do Bragão, Douro, 2002 An amazing wine from Douro of course. Established on the Pinhão slopes in the 18th Century, Quinta Vale do Bragão belongs to the Borges Costa family. Its varieties of Touriga Nacional, Touriga Franca, Tinta Roriz and Tinto Cão are carefully vinified and then aged 12 months in small oak barrels. A balanced structure carries great complexity to a pleasing finish.
  • Herdade de Muge, Ribatejo, 2004 The Herdade da Muge is a concentrated wine with complex berry and spice flavours, and well integrated oak.
  • Quinta do Couquinho, Douro, 2003Another amazing wine from Douro. Its varieties of Touriga Nacional, Tinta Roriz and Touriga Franca are carefully vinified and then aged for 12 months in French oak barrels. Powerful flavor, very elegant, a long finish and excellent tannin result n an elegant and perfectly balanced red wine.

wine tasting

From the above 3 my first choice is the third one, although for most of my friends it was the first one. Anyway I loved both. 🙂

Lisbon Skyscrapers

I always loved skyscrapers and I would love Lisbon to have a skyscrapers area some day. I think skyscrapers give that future look to a city, but I only like them when they are all together in a certain area, not spread around the city.
Although compared to some skyscrapers around the world the Skyscrapers projects for Lisbon are really tiny, some of them look really interesting.

You can see a list of proposals here and a list of rejected projects here.
Continue reading

Black Toilet Paper

This is hilarious.

Renova, a Portuguese brand for Tissues/Toilet Paper/etc, came up with the idea of Black Toilet Paper. I guess Renova wrote about it in some blogs and it’s becoming quite popular, specially in the US. A lot of trendy places in NYC are adopting it already.

Check out this video.

I’ve read the following comment on a forum:

I’ve tried the stuff – was in Portugal a little while ago visiting an old business partner of mine and needed to go… and while sitting there doing what I was doing a caught myself actually staring at it. It’s a funky idea, but ah, well… it is softer than anything we have here in the US. I was so impressed I bought a bunch and brought it home and am now thinking of exposing it to the rest America…

Faleceu Alpinista Português na descida do Shisha Pangma

Esta noite ficou marcada pela morte do alpinista português Bruno Carvalho, durante a descida do Shisha Pangma, o mais baixo dos 14 “8,000m”, no Tibete.
Bruno Carvalho

Eu não era chegado ao Bruno, mas conhecia-o
do Rocodromo da Econauta, onde pratiquei escalada quase durante dois anos. O Bruno era um simpatico e sempre bem disposto monitor, e foi o monitor com quem mais me relacionei.

O Bruno era um dos cinco expedicionários portugueses ao Shisha Pangma. Era a primeira expedição únicamente portuguesa a um “8,000”, liderada por João Garcia, o experiente alpinista português que acabou de fazer o seu oitavo “8,000”, de 14 existentes.
Ao que parece o acidente decorreu durante a descida depois de ter atingido o cume com 8,013m, e foi originado por uma queda.

Mais informações da expedição podem ser vistas no blog da expedição.

Aos familiares os meus pêsames, e sem dúvida que se perdeu um grande alpinista português.

O Mundial já acabou…

Parece que o mundial já acabou… ou que não é preciso chegar a acontecer..

Aqui ficam os resultados:

A selecção portuguesa é eliminada pela Holanda nos oitavos-de-final do Campeonato do Mundo de futebol Alemanha2006, numa competição em que o Brasil conquista o «hexa», de acordo com as contas travessas do «ranking» oficial da FIFA.


A equipa portuguesa alcança o segundo lugar de um grupo conquistado pelo México (quarto do «ranking») e apenas vence os jogos com Angola (57º) e Irão (23º).